⭐️ 高還元率で爆アドが狙える!ネットオリパ人気No.1の【DOPA】をチェック ⭐️

Buy Pokemon cards from Japan|Roll the online Gacha “Clove”


Where to buy Pokemon cards from Japan safely?

If you’re abroad and want to safely purchase Japanese Pokémon cards, we recommend the online Gacha service, Clove.

To buy Japanese Pokemon cards, besides using online shopping sites, there’s also a way to aim for the cards you want through the online Gacha.

Gacha: A gacha game is a video game that implements the gachapon machine style mechanics. Similar to loot boxes, gacha games entice players to spend in-game currency to receive a random in-game item. quote:wikipedia

Clove is one of the largest online trading card game Gacha platforms in Japan, that sells and ships Japanese Pokémon cards to overseas users.

Overseas users who want Pokémon cards have a chance to get rare and valuable cards by using Clove Gacha.


The cheapest Gacha on Clove is only 100yen which is less $1…!!

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  • 総還元率96〜98%の10連ガチャあり!
  • BOX & PSA10が狙える特大チャンス!
  • 1/2の確率でアド確定オリパが熱い!


\還元率No.1のオンラインオリパ /

Buy Pokemon cards from Japan|Roll the online Gacha “Clove”

cloveロゴ オンラインオリパ

Clove is an online Trading Card Gacha site operated by Trust Hub Inc in Japan.

They offer popular TCGs such as Pokémon(ポケモン), ONEPIECE(ワンピース) and Yu-Gi-O(遊戯王), and is top-tier in terms of recognition within the Trading Card Gacha community.


The standout feature of Clove is undoubtedly the vast variety of Trading Card Gacha available!

There are various types of Gacha, including guaranteed PSA 10 packs and “Nibuiichi” packs, with a selection from over 270 different options.

Regular collaborations with influencers also introduce special Gacha, making it a perfect entry point for beginners.


The daily Gacha with a 100% return rate are essentially free and highly recommended because you can’t lose!

Another great aspect of Clove is its high reliability as it is run by a corporation.

Trust Hub Inc. is a publicly listed company and also operates a store called “Clove Base” in Akihabara, Tokyo.

Clove is a major online Gacha retailer with a wide range of packs and high safety standards.

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Reviews of the online Gacha “Clove”

Clove Official Site

Many people are saying that Clove Gacha offers a chance for huge gains and in reality, there are many people who have won high-value cards.

  • 「Won a card worth 65,000 yen with a single entry」
  • 「Managed to get a PSA10 for the first time」
  • 「Won the top prize multiple times」

There are many reviews of Clove Gacha on SNS, even in a low-cost Gacha is exciting!

Furthermore, the extravagant and entertaining presentation is also one of the positive reputations of Clove Gacha.

Many people are getting hooked on the thrilling effects, as if they were playing a slot machine or a mobile game.”

When you roll Clove Gacha, it changes through four stages, such as white, blue, gold, and rainbow.


If it reaches rainbow, you’re guaranteed to win the first prize!!

  • 「So exciting and fun to see the colorful effect on Clove Gacha」
  • 「The effect changes each time, so never get bored」
  • 「See the rainbow effect, it’s so fabulous….! Becoming addicted to it」

As the reviews above, the big excitement when the rainbow effect appears is just insane!!


Now you understand why people get so hooked!

Clove offers many Gachas with limited-edition characters or extra prizes is updated daily, offering a wide variety of themes.

\Roll Pokemon Gacha Online!/


Is there any illegality in Clove Gacha?

No, Clove Gacha service is a legal operation.

The odds of winning are fair, and there is no illegality.

Does Clove Gacha really win?

Yes, it does.

In fact, there are many reviews on social media saying, “I win with the Cove Gacha!” If you try multiple times and don’t win, try choosing a Gacha with fewer total entries, as it increases your chances of winning.

The payment method for Clove Gacha?

Currently, only credit cards are accepted.

Can you ship cards overseas? How much is the shipping cost?

We can ship overseas. We will use an international shipping service for overseas deliveries.

Please check ECMS EXPRESS further for the shipping cost details.

Summary|Buy Pokemon cards from Japan

Clove is an online trading card Gacha service in Japan that offers purchasing and shipping services for international customers.

Many users who have tried Clove Gacha have given high praise, saying they won valuable rare cards.


It’s a highly recommended online Gacha service in Japan.

With gacha starting from just 100 yen, if you want to safely purchase Pokémon cards in Japan, be sure to try Clove Gacha!

\Roll Pokemon Gacha Online!/

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